Digital Services

XML Conversion

Our technical department is highly experienced in working with an array of standard applications that include InDesign, 3B2, Latex, Frame Maker, and QuarkXPress, assimilating these within the XML-based production processes. Our team is thoroughly proficient in both XML DTD and Schema to analyze and also obtain DTDs manually. We have the capability to create our own DTDs. Newzel provides a full spectrum of XML services to address the demands for digital formats and online publishing requirements for content repository and multi-device capabilities.

HTML Conversion Services

NPS HTML Conversion Specialist can provide you with accurate HTML conversion services. By converting documents and contents into HTML files, one can easily distribute the content. You can get access to more number of customers by posting the information on the Internet.

Our specialist has knowledge in innovative technologies and we have accomplished HTML conversion executives to convert any unstructured data into well thought-out and structured HTML format. Be it any form of publication, from various sources that are predominantly hard copies or soft copies, our conversion experts can convert them into accurate HTML files.